Tuesday 6 December 2011

Khas Untuk Errr..... =] Footsteps 4

Ok anda semue pasti akan kepelikan sbab buat post pepagi bute nyh...
Act aku bru terpikir and nk appreciate sumone....

Begini aku ade ermm TEMAN la senang cerite ea??
Aku dah buat banyak silap kat TEMAN niyh.....Holly BIG OnE
Jadi aku nak buat satu post nih khas untok TEMAN nyh.....

Dlm handphone aku TEMAN nyh aku letakkan name dye as =]
Ye SMILEY.....Nape aku buat begitu kau orang tanye???
Well sebab nk igtkan aku supaye bile ade msg or call dri dye aku akan SENYUM smpai ke telinge....
Sorry sebab x letak Ur real name TEMAN......Bcoz adela sbab dye yg aku(mr.Laki2) sendiri un x bole nak explain....=S SO SORRY
Jadi AT '10' TION to TEMAN jika anda membace post mr.Laki2 nyh...
I want you to know that :

1.I appreciate you a lot than you know
2.You are so special to me...No matter how much you hated me or trying to avoid me..
3.A sorry wont change everything..but moving on?? That changes a lot.
4.I can not live without you...
5.Come hell or high heart would never change towards you....
6.I do not want nobody take you away from me....
7.Someday You WILL BE MINE.....Dare me to challenge fate if that does not happen....

That is all folks
Terime kasih kerane membace......=)
Tydo dengan senyuman........
P/S : To QAYYUM sorry aku gunekan ayat HLOVATE hehehe